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Top 3 Reads of My Life So Far

We all should read more! I mean that is why Kim and I started this blog in the first place. Everything today is so fast paced that nobody stops to slow down and really take in the words around them. So I've decided to make a post about the top 3 reads of my life so far. Read and enjoy :)

#1 The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

I first read this book in my grade 11 summer school class. I fell in love with this book then and still love it today! Such a good book about a man who finds himself in the dessert. Such great life lessons in this book. If you're feeling down and need a good reminder of the important things in life, pick up this read! Also, it's helpful this book is under 200 pages lol.

#2 Origin by Dan Brown

This book reminded me of a Black Mirror episode!! This book is for those who like surprise endings and it also makes you really think about the message the author was trying to portray. This book is about a professor on the hunt to release his students life work to the world because his student got assassinated. He discovered a huge secret and some people didn't agree with the message! Need I say more? GO READ THIS NOW!!!!!

Buy it here:

#3 Dualed by Elsie Chapman

This book is for all you Hunger Games lovers who don't want too serious of a read. The story follows a girl who lives in a world where when you are born, there is another person born elsewhere who is your identical twin. When it comes your time, you must fight your twin in order to prove yourself and be worthy of living a better life. There is a sequel to this book titled "Divided" if you loved the first :)

Buy it here:

"The more you read the more things you know. The more that you learn the more places you'll go".

-Dr. Seuss

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