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Letter To Our Grade 9 Selves

     K: Wow, where to start lol. What I would tell my 13 yr old self? For starters, dropping out of IB next year isn't going to determine how smart you are, trust me girl you smart smart. Trust your instincts because you're definitely on to something. In all honesty, it only gets harder...but not to worry, you also get stronger. Expect a shift in dynamics in your friendships, but again no worries fam, because you're lit and you know yourself. You're pretty naive right now, and honestly still are, but don't be so trusting. Not everyone wants the best for you, and will try to bring you down. I know, wtf right? so rude. That feeling of being different isn't gonna go away, it's your super power. Continue holding down the family, Yah knows they need you. Continue loving everyone, even if they don't love you. But most importantly, continue to seek the Most High and always put Him first, He truly comes through for you.

     R: Looking back to when I was 13, I was so susceptible to the influences of other people. I did not know who I was, all I knew was that I wanted to fit in. If I could talk to my past self, I would tell her that it’s okay that you do not know yourself yet. You have so much life ahead of you, that the opinions of others do not matter in the slightest. High school is only 4 years of your life which is what like 3% of your life? 4%? Anyway, the point is it's an insignificant amount of time so don't fall under the pressures that others have placed upon you. You are perfect just the way you are. Your hair is popping, your body is beautiful, and your smile is amazing (not to toot my own horn lol). Anyway, love you and I hope you look in the mirror and see your worth and the value you bring. <3

"The tiny seed knew that in order to grow, it needed to be dropped in dirt, covered in darkness, and struggle to reach the light."

                                                                                  -Sandra Kring

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