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Top 3 Moments That Have Shaped Our Lives.


1. High School

In high school I had no idea who I was. I was always so focused on what I could do to fit in and how I could please others, not myself. Because of this, I was always such a pushover and would do everything my friends would say. I mean, it got to the point where I was just straight up being bullied. I didn’t snap out of this mindset until the end of grade 10. It was from there that I said that I wasn’t going to feel sorry for myself and become a person who says no and says what is on their mind. I may take it too far every now and again, but I’m proud of that growing moment in my life because being honest has now developed into one core aspect of my character.

2. University

Like high school, this was another huge growth period in my life. In university, I became a lot less judgemental of other people thanks to my psychology classes. It really made me try to understand people from their perspective instead of seeing it just through mine. This was also the time that I was confused about my sexual identity and went through a hoe phase to finally figure it out lol. Also, this was a time where I learned the value of friendships in my life and cutting off toxic or unnecessary people. If I haven't seen or heard from you in a minute, your number has been deleted and your Instagram has been unfollowed thanks. I barely have enough time to sleep let alone worry about people who don’t want or need to be in my life.

3. My Past Relationship

Exes can teach you a lot. The biggest and most valuable life lesson I learned from my previous relationship was knowing my worth. I’m the type of person who would go above and beyond for someone I care about, but it got to the point of taking advantage of me and taking me for granted. I would tell myself what he was doing was okay because I loved him and he loved me. Since the end of that relationship, I learned not to take shit from any man, because at the end of the day, I know my worth. If you are going to use my kindness as a weapon against me, hunny you are not going to be in my life for long. Trust me the cut off game is too strong.


1. Meeting My Spiritual Sensei

I was introduced to my family friend Bro. Joewell around the year 2013. He kind of just came out of nowhere. We had an instant connection that felt comfortable, and seeing that I don’t have a lot of male energy around me often, it was very refreshing...almost in a father-figure type of way. He asked me if I knew who I was, who I truly was before the labels of “Black”, “Nigga”, “African-Canadian”, etc. were bestowed upon me. At this time I was still a very naive 18 year old who had just graduated high school, and I’ve never been challenged this hard in my life. I grew up within the christian faith and felt that I had already gotten the jiffs on this whole “God” thing. He definitely served as the awakening force that my spirit needed to dig deeper. Our devotions and bible lessons always leaves me with a fresh perspective and more confidence in my faith.

2. University Of Windsor

My time away for University was a huge life moment for me. So many experiences happened there that I will always cherish. I lost my virginity, explored my passion for cooking and makeup, formed sisterhoods, got a degree, and even was introduced into the world of fashion there. So crazy to think that so much evolution took place in such a small little city like Windsor. I grew so much as a person but especially as a woman. I started to listen to myself more and discover the things that made me happy and unique. It was truly a blessing to be sent off to university with some of the knowledge that Bro. Joewell shared with me before entering a high energy environment like University.

3. My Mother

Although we're talking about moments here, I can't help but include the one person that not only birthed me but has shared countless life changing moments with me as well. Growing up I never felt any lesser than, and I now know that is because my mother did a damn great job in providing for her family and trying to make ends meet no matter the challenges that came our way. Growing up and witnessing such a strong, independent, praying Queen, do her thing has definitely shaped me into the woman that I am today. Truly blessed and grateful to have my mother to look up to.

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